Authors: Do you need permission for that table?

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Get your titles to market faster
with Housecalls

When you’re looking for help getting your titles in front of readers, you need someone with experience. I have been building medical books for 15 years, and can help you get your book to press.

The publishing "skill" I tend to use the most? Persistence.

Persistence in solving the problem is what separates good books from great ones. I love a good challenge.

let’s work together

Book or Project Management

Busy publishers need professionals who can run a book project from start to finish. I have more than a decade's worth of experience in title management.

Rights and Permissions

Permissions can be prickly. My knowledge of rights and permissions is expert level: I can navigate the process for you.

Problem Project Solutions

Housecalls is the publishing "Help!" button for projects that have gone astray. Complicated projects are my favorites, especially those requiring what I affectionately call "editorial salvage." 

What difference can good book development make?

Several of my titles have won awards.

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Meet Megan

The book development process isn’t just about the book: it’s about content quality, and making that quality content agile enough to work across print and digital platforms.

I have spent more than a decade developing books for some of the largest (and smallest) healthcare publishers in the world. That means I know what publishers need from the development process--and I can bring that experience to you.

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A good plan prevents all kinds of problems.

Let’s talk about where you are now and where you want to end up, so we can build a map to help you get there.

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Introduction to Permissions

In a minute you'll have a guide in your hands to help determine whether you need to request permission to use that content. I'll help you take control of what can be a confusing process!